Bartender Graphic

Across the North Hills great restaurants, caterers, pizza places, bars, taverns, pubs, dive bars, and breweries abound. It truly takes a talented chef, bartender, or server to keep us all happy in the crazy times.

Nominate a North Hills chef, bartender, or server

Right now times are tough for many of these folks that serve the North Hills. We want to help give them a boost because we need them. Showcasing our local talent is what Across North Hills strives to do. We are more than a local guide but a place to showcase the talent, skills, and abilities of the people that keep the North Hills running. Help us do this together 

Tell us about your favorite bartender or server and we will highlight the value they bring to our local restaurants and bars.

How to nominate a chef, bartender, or server

Just message us and let us know which place and who to contact and we will reach out to them and ask them for their favorite drink, recipe, bar story, and what motivates them to do what they do. 

Do you know someone we should contact? Use the form below and let us take it from there. On that note, shop local, eat local, and yinz all rock.

Across North Hills - Contact Form


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